The Faces of Fear


Whether you've been told or not, there are only three faces of fear: the fear of the known, the fear of the unknown and the fear of the imagined.

These faces come to life in an empty attic, a dingy basement, waiting in line for a haunted house, or during a solitary walk in the darkness. Truly, we cannot escape the things that haunt us - they are dredged up from childhood memories that ran wild with the fear of things known, unknown or imagined.


For Thaley Walters, her fear was the fear of the known. She had been living comfortably in her one bedroom apartment for two years. The apartments were nestled alongside a tract of farmland near Zanesville, Ohio. If you have never been to Zanesville, Ohio, it is just about what you would expect of any farm town: a smattering of farmhouses, divided by corn and soybean fields, intermingled with the occasional grocery store, gas station, or small apartment block.

The driveway and the building both stood perpedicular to rural route 88, which ran east-west from one end of ohio to the other.

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